Glitch Art with AI Imaging: Ghost Effect

Published on Oct 24, 2024


The inspiration for this blog post stems from a prompt shared by user @Shinebynous on Twitter/X. Their original post envisioned a ghostly glitch apparition with digital distortions and pixelated anomalies. This intriguing concept sparked my creativity, prompting me to generate unique images through various AI tools and write a short story around the character of Herogen from Star Trek.

Link to the original tweet by @Shinebynous:

Unveiling the Ghostly Glitch Apparition of Herogen

Leonardo AI Image B3

In the vast universe of Star Trek, there lies a mysterious character known as Herogen. In this blog post, we delve into the supernatural realm of Herogen, a being that materializes as a ghostly glitch apparition, blending supernatural elements with technological disturbances. With spectral neon violet hues and ethereal indigo tones, Herogen's presence becomes an unsettling fusion of digital anomalies and otherworldly energy.

हिंदी में परिचय

Star Trek की विशाल दुनिया में Herogen नाम का एक रहस्यमयी पात्र है। इस ब्लॉग पोस्ट में, हम Herogen की परपोती दुनिया में गोता लगाते हैं, जो एक ऐसी प्राणी है जो एक भूतिया ग्लिच प्रेत के रूप में प्रकट होती है, जो पаранॉर्मल तत्वों और तकनीकी गड़बड़ी का एक परेशान करने वाला मिश्रण है। स्पेक्ट्रल नियोन बैंगनी रंगों और अनदेखी नीले रंगों के साथ, Herogen की उपस्थिति डिजिटल अनियमितताओं और अलौकिक ऊर्जा का एक परेशान करने वाला संलयन बन जाती है।

English Summary

Herogen, a biopunk character from Star Trek, emerges as a ghostly glitch apparition. With spectral neon violet hues and ethereal indigo tones, this being embodies an unsettling fusion of supernatural and technological elements. This blog post explores the concept of Herogen, its digital distortions, pixelated anomalies, and the eerie atmosphere it evokes.

हिंदी सारांश

Herogen, Star Trek से एक बायोपंक पात्र, एक भूतिया ग्लिच प्रेत के रूप में उभरता है। स्पेक्ट्रल नियोन बैंगनी रंगों और अनदेखी नीले रंगों के साथ, यह प्राणी पारानॉर्मल और तकनीकी तत्वों का एक परेशान करने वाला मिश्रण प्रस्तुत करता है। यह ब्लॉग पोस्ट Herogen की अवधारणा, इसकी डिजिटल विकृतियों, पिक्सेलेटेड अनियमितताओं, और इसके द्वारा पैदा किए गए रहस्यमय वातावरण का पता लगाती है।

Click below to wwatch the video

Video collage - AI generated images of Aliens in glitch art form, generated using LeonardoAI, Bing/ DEsigner and StarryAI

Video by Amar vyas using

The Ghostly Glitch Apparition

We will explore two styles here: Glitch art and grunge style. These are two distinct aesthetics that can be applied to AI-generated images.
Glitch art, which emerged in the early 2000s, is characterized by its intentional disruption of digital signals, resulting in distorted, fragmented, and often illegible images. In the context of AI image generation, glitch art can be achieved by manipulating the neural network's inputs, parameters, or outputs to create unusual, surreal, and sometimes disturbing visuals. This can involve techniques such as noise injection, image degradation, or even intentionally corrupting the training data. Glitch art in AI image generation often seeks to challenge traditional notions of aesthetics and beauty, pushing the boundaries of what is considered "normal" or acceptable in visual art.

On the other hand, grunge style in AI image generation is often characterized by its use of rough, textured, and earthy tones, combined with imperfections and distortions that evoke a sense of raw, handmade quality. Grunge style can be achieved by manipulating the AI's output to introduce subtle flaws, such as pixelation, noise, or subtle aberrations, which give the image a more tactile, organic feel. Grunge style in AI image generation often aims to create a sense of dimensionality and tactility, inviting viewers to engage with the image on a more visceral level. While glitch art tends to be more aggressively avant-garde, grunge style is often more subtle and nuanced in its approach, creating a sense of emotional authenticity and humanity in the generated images.

In the vast expanse of the Star Trek universe, there lies a character shrouded in mystery and supernatural intrigue. Herogen, a being of unknown origins, manifests as a ghostly glitch apparition, disrupting the normal flow of technology and challenging the boundaries between the living and the digital. With spectral neon violet hues and ethereal indigo tones, Herogen embodies the unsettling fusion of supernatural and technological elements.

Imagine a starship bridge, its consoles flickering with digital anomalies. Herogen appears, a spectral figure with pixelated distortions trailing behind. The crew, captivated by this otherworldly presence, witnesses the blending of supernatural and technological realms. Herogen, a symbol of the unknown, challenges their understanding of what lies beyond the physical world.

The original prompt by @Shinebynous on Twitter/X envisioned Herogen as a ghostly glitch apparition, and my modification added a biopunk twist, infusing the character with neon violet hues and ethereal indigo tones. The resulting images, generated using AI tools, capture the unsettling blend of supernatural and technological elements, with digital distortions and pixelated anomalies.

Original Prompt: [SUBJECT] materialized as a Ghostly Glitch Apparition, with digital distortions and pixelated anomalies. Utilize spectral [COLOR1] and ethereal [COLOR2] to craft an unsettling blend of supernatural and technological elements.

My Modification (Option A): biopunk, [SUBJECT] character from star trek, materialized as a highly pronounced Ghostly Glitch Apparition, with digital distortions and pixelated anomalies. Utilize spectral neon violet and ethereal neon indigo to craft an unsettling blend of supernatural and technological elements.

AI-Generated Imags with Glitch Effect (Option A)
Glitch art, image generated usign StarryAi
Bing Designer Image A2
Image generated using grok, with transluscent effect
Image generated using grok, with transluscent effect

My second modification, Option B, added a grunge style and sprinkled iron dust in the foreground for a more eerie feeling. Here are the AI-generated interpretations of Herogen with this new twist:

AI-Generated Interpretations of Herogen (Option B)
Grok/X Image B2

Link to Tweet from User @Shinebynous:

My response on Twitter/X:

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This blog is created and maintained by Amar Vyas, and features AI-generated images for his upcoming book, Art with AI: How to create awesome images using AI tools.