Goofy Horror - Shops and Ghouls

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On Twitter/X, one of the AI art prompters/ creators I follow, Alexandra, posted a prompt for bizarre, dreamlike setting. I was toying around with idea of a goofy ghoul or a ghost, and a shop in an urban setting. I thought, why not mix the two, and come up with something new altogether?

Images Generated

Below are some images generated using Bing (Dalle3) and Grok (X).

Original Prompt

Surrealist painting: [SUBJECT] in a dreamlike, fantastical style with bizarre, imaginative elements. Combine realistic details with unusual, otherworldly imagery to create an eerie, thought-provoking scene. Emphasize a sense of the uncanny and the subconscious, fluid forms, vibrant contrasts, intricate, imaginative, bending reality.

Modified Prompt

Surrealist painting: a small shop in a dreamlike, fantastical style with bizarre, imaginative elements. Setting is a dark forest, neon ochre and teal colours, Combine realistic details with unusual, otherworldly imagery to create an eerie, thought-provoking scene. Emphasize a sense of the uncanny and the subconscious, fluid forms, vibrant contrasts, intricate, imaginative, bending reality, 8k, matte finish, ink

Summing it up

I will leave you with the link to the thread for the post by Alexandra, as well as one of my images

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This blog is created and maintained by Amar Vyas, and features AI-generated images for his upcoming book, Art with AI: How to create awesome images using AI tools.