Excerpt in English: Tengr.ai, an AI-based image generation tool, is transforming the way we create and share images. With advanced features and a focus on environmental sustainability, it’s a game-changer in the digital art world.
Tengr.ai, एक AI-आधारित छवि उत्पन्न करने का उपकरण, हमारे तरीके को बदल रहा है जिससे हम छवियां बनाते और साझा करते हैं। उन्नत सुविधाओं और पर्यावरणीय स्थिरता पर ध्यान देने के साथ, यह डिजिटल कला की दुनिया में एक खेल बदलने वाला है।
Tengr.ai, एक AI-आधारित प्रतिमा निर्माण साधन, आम्ही प्रतिमा तयार करतो आणि सामायिक करतो त्याचे मार्ग बदलत आहे. प्रगत सुविधांसह आणि पर्यावरणीय टिकाऊपणावर लक्ष केंद्रित करताना, हे डिजिटल कला जगात एक गेमचेंजर आहे.

AI imaging is a technology that uses artificial intelligence to generate images. Tengr.ai is an exciting player in this field, offering a powerful tool that can create stunning images with a range of advanced features. The tool allows users to control the emotion flow, choose from multiple languages, upscale images, and share their creations while retaining ownership. Tengr.ai also has a strong environmental policy, addressing the high energy use, heat generation, and water requirements associated with AI tools.

Tengr.ai in Detail
Tengr.ai is more than just an image generation tool. It’s a comprehensive platform that allows users to create, share, and own their images. The tool offers a range of features, including emotion flow, multi-language choice, image upscaling, and image sharing and ownership. Tengr.ai’s environmental policy is particularly noteworthy, addressing the high energy use, heat generation, and water requirements associated with AI tools.
Advanced Features
Tengr.ai offers a range of advanced features, including the ability to add weights and creative transformations. These features allow users to create unique and personalized images. More information about these features can be found on the Tengr.ai blog.

Pre-set Styles
Tengr.ai offers a range of pre-set styles, including Default, Portrait, Photography, Analog Film, Horror, Impasto, Watercolour, Ink, Fairytales, Isometric, and more. These styles allow users to create images that suit their personal taste and style.

Defining Levels of Creativity, Detail, and Aspect Ratio
Tengr.ai allows users to define the levels of creativity, detail, and aspect ratio of their images. Creativity varies from 1 (uninspired) to 5 (rampant), the default setting is 3 (creative). The level of detail varies from 1 (minimalist) to 5 (ornate). The aspect ratio varies from the default 1:1 (1024x1024 pixels) to 4:7, 9:7, even 21:9 for landscape canvas. This choice is helpful in generating images pre-made for different social media sites such as Instagram.

Key Takeaways and Conclusion
Tengr.ai is a powerful tool that is revolutionizing the way we create and share images. With its advanced features, pre-set styles, and focus on environmental sustainability, it’s a game-changer in the digital art world.
Follow Tengr.ai on Twitter, and Instagram.
Image gallery using Null or Blank Prompt
Below images are generated using tengr.ai. Click on any image to open in slideshow or gallery mode. नीचे दी गई छवियां Tengr.ai का उपयोग करके बनाई गई हैं। स्लाइड शो या गैलरी मोड में खोलने के लिए किसी भी छवि पर क्लिक करें।
1. All images in this post were generated using tengr.ai, and compressed using [compressimage.io](https://www.compressimage.io).
2. This post was generated using you.com AI tool, using the prompt defined by me, Amar Vyas