
Blog by Amar Vyas


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Volcanic Eruptions: Nature’s Awe-Inspiring Spectacle

View a compelling overview of the AI generated volcanic eruptions image content, highlighting the unique and high-quality nature of the visuals. Explore our stunning collection of AI generated volcano images. Witness the raw power of nature through breathtaking depictions of volcanic eruptions, created by cutting-edge AI technology.
5 minutes de lecture

Kerala Art Inspired AI-Generated Floral Patterns

Discover the mesmerizing fusion of traditional Kerala art and cutting-edge AI technology in this captivating gallery of cosmic floral patterns. Seamless designs, neon accents, and ethereal backgrounds come together to create a truly unique and awe-inspiring visual experience.

4 minutes de lecture

Cosmic Unions: AI Image with DALL·E 3 and SDXL

In the evolving landscape of AI image creation, mastering the art of prompt crafting is indispensable. Modifying a base prompt posted in AI imaging communities is one way to learn and explore how to use different AI Imaging tools. In this post, find images created using five different imaging tools, using the same prompt.

4 minutes de lecture

Video Gallery: Hotel California

A user on Twitter (X) had posted some lyrics from this well known song from the Eagles. I thought of adding some images to compliment the lyrics, in the process I ended up creating this short video. ...

1 minutes de lecture

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Awesome Content Trumps Spam !

This blog is created and maintained by Amar Vyas, and features AI-generated images for his upcoming book, Art with AI: How to create awesome images using AI tools.