Amar Vyas

Amar Vyas

Author | Podcaster

35 articles

13 sept. 2024

Ninja Art, with a Masala Twist

Introduction: My Little Experiment with AI & a Desi Ninja Namaste, folks! I was scrolling through Twitter/X the other day and stumbled upon this interesting idea – what if we asked AI to create a “North...

Amar Vyas
Amar Vyas
4 minutes de lecture

14 juin 2024

Star Wars : Another Image Gallery

I had recently published a post on AI generated images with Star Wars theme. I thought some other images below would have added some more images were justified for that post. Instead, I decided to publish this post, as a gallery.

Amar Vyas
Amar Vyas
1 minutes de lecture

This blog is created and maintained by Amar Vyas, and features AI-generated images for his upcoming book, Art with AI: How to create awesome images using AI tools.