
Blog by Amar Vyas


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Ninja Art, with a Masala Twist

Introduction: My Little Experiment with AI & a Desi Ninja Namaste, folks! I was scrolling through Twitter/X the other day and stumbled upon this interesting idea – what if we asked AI to create a “North...
4 minutes de lecture

Portrait Photography of a 55-Year-Old Scientist

Explore the art of portrait photography with a 55-year-old scientist's story. Discover how AI-generated images can evoke emotions and resemblance to historical figures like Dr. Ambedkar. A fascinating journey of creativity and technology.

2 minutes de lecture

Allure of Women in Bikinis using AI Imaging

Dive into the captivating world of AI-generated art as we explore the theme of women in bikinis. Through a striking portrait of a 30-year-old Indian woman, we delve into the interplay of beauty, poise, and artistic expression

3 minutes de lecture

Star Wars : Another Image Gallery

I had recently published a post on AI generated images with Star Wars theme. I thought some other images below would have added some more images were justified for that post. Instead, I decided to publish this post, as a gallery.

1 minutes de lecture

Portraits: Prompts and Styles to Transform an Image

Discover how AI image generation tools can transform a simple portrait prompt into stunning artworks. See the impact of subtle prompt changes and pre-set styles on a portrait of an Indian woman, from ink sketches to oil paintings. AI इमेज जनरेशन टूल्स कैसे एक सरल पोर्ट्रेट प्रॉम्प्ट को शानदार कलाकृतियों में बदल सकते हैं, यह जानें। एक भारतीय महिला के चित्र पर सूक्ष्म प्रॉम्प्ट परिवर्तनों और पूर्व-निर्धारित शैलियों के प्रभाव को देखें, स्याही स्केच से लेकर तेल चित्रों तक।

2 minutes de lecture

Explore the Romance of forts of India

Discover the enchanting world of Indian forts through AI image generation. Learn how to craft compelling prompts and explore various styles to create stunning visuals. Explore the Romance of Forts of India through AI Image Generation. AI इमेज जनरेशन के माध्यम से भारतीय किलों की मनमोहक दुनिया का अन्वेषण करें। आकर्षक प्रॉम्प्ट्स बनाने और शानदार दृश्य बनाने के लिए विभिन्न शैलियों का पता लगाने के तरीके जानें। AI इमेज जनरेशनद्वारे भारतीय किल्ल्यांच्या मोहक जगाचा शोध घ्या.

4 minutes de lecture

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This blog is created and maintained by Amar Vyas, and features AI-generated images for his upcoming book, Art with AI: How to create awesome images using AI tools.